We will describe the purpose of updating the community development plan (CDO), its contents, land use recommendations, pedestrian and other overlay zones, and specific plans. The local residential areas must be sized for the forecasted jobs without commuting. We are looking at transportation issues and alternatives that the CDO conveys to City Hall. Sample City ordinances will underpin decisions on density, transitions, and infrastructure. We will illuminate the future for our communities’ egresses and any adverse impact.

LAPA hosts a calendar where all planning projects of mutual interest will link topical dates, agenda, documents, meetings, hearings, and allow a visitor or stakeholder to participate in projects that affect their community. The neighborhood and project addresses will be searchable and we hope to include comments. Primarily we hope to join and coordinate forces on projects that challenge us and our communities.

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) numbers forecasts future populations, housing, and jobs and their distributions. Having more residential than job locations causes ingress and egress issues, i.e., commuter traffic. The LA Planning Alliance will illuminate these potential bottlenecks and allow community voices to weigh in on infrastructure issues.