In 2017 the Mayor proposed that street level parking lots could be converted into 100% affordable residential units. Twelve sites were chosen, and five of all those proposed were in Lincoln Heights along their main street, North Broadway. No parking was eliminated, however many claimed it would be. And many didn’t want to recognize that the homeless problem was related to affordable housing.

The outcry was long and loud, few in Lincoln Heights thought that hosting 5 of the 12 citywide was equitable. But many others felt something should be done for the growing numbers of unhoused and displaced families, youth, veterans, and seniors.


When 5 Lots was first introduced, there was only a small number of homeless encampments within the boundaries of Lincoln Heights. Compared to the staggering of homeless encampments throughout Los Angeles County, locally there was many fewer, but still a growing area of neighborhood concern and dismay.

Displacement, evictions, new high-end housing developments, they all increased to the point where the car was the last refuge for many. LAPD created a map where RV’s, campers, and cars could park for 72 hours in the green areas, but the red ones, you get it.. no parking


After selecting a site that satisfied the intention of the program, the City needed to address the selection of developers, and the community team. The Chief Administrative officer (CAO) made a concerted effort to address the LA-DOT funding issue with replacement parking. This replacement parking would be on their lots within the the new affordable housing complex. Parking for residents and business shoppers will be separate, and that clarifies everything, right?


Sites are selected, then a carefully rolled-out presentation to the community which includes all information and clarifies…. right?



And, after careful presentation, the community knew exactly what to expect, who was helping make this a reality, and that the business community supported it. The notion of 100% replacement parking, all located within arms reach of the business corridor, right?

Then, as the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement is being hammered out (the city can’t suddenly get a new development team) a community improvement package is rolled out.. to sweeten the deal.


The development team handles the negotiations with the community in tandem with the council district. But sometimes there are “complications”


If the community is not exhausted by now, they are pillars of civic responsibility and approach the new affordable housing development with grace and aplomb. All questions have been addressed, and the community begins the process of providing affordable housing for greater Los Angeles.

Now, let’s address funding these affordable housing projects, the process is complicated enough without the recent setback, but here is “where we were”


Los Angeles isn’t the only large city facing the affordable housing challenge. Chicago had a great idea. The Windy City hosted a competition among the best architects in the Mecca of Architecture, and here are some of the winners.


But LA is not completely hopeless in the Architect Department I have seen we have winners too.








